
In 2007 my father, Dennis Blake, was diagnosed with a rare blood disease, Amyloidosis. After years of battling the disease, the correct diagnosis was finally given less then a week before he passed. Amyloidosis is a rare blood disease that can affect one or more organs when abnormal deposits of the amyloid protein are produced. It is debilitating and life threatening. The disease meant nothing to my family weeks before we first heard the word, and then it defined the rest of our lives. It is only in the last 25 years that physicians have started to understand the disease. I have been hiking the Appalachian trail for a little more then a month. Hiking 8 to 12 hours a day, I have had plenty of time to think of my father and what kind of differences I could make in his name. I would love to make this epic adventure about more then myself. The amyloidosis foundation's mission is to increase education and awareness in hopes that it will lead to earlier diagnosis and improved treatment. My goal is to raise $1,000 in the name of my father. I have roughly 200 miles left. Just one penny per mile adds up to $20 when I complete the trail of 2,000 miles. If anybody would like to donate a small amount per every mile I complete, then I am confident that I can reach my goal. Here are the directions and the page link for the donations: Check "In memory of" and add my father's name "Dennis Blake"

Friday, May 27, 2011

Waynesboro Steamroller!

I was supposed to enter Shenandoah national park today but as usual the comforts of town proved to be to much. There was a split decision between hiking or spending the day in town. We flipped a coin to break the tie. Nobody was terribly upset when it landed on tails which meant we were zeroing in downtown Waynesboro. A great trail town. We toured museums, ate "famous" chilli dogs and caught a movie. The highlight was the Ming Chinese Buffet. I have been hearing about Mings since we crossed the Virginia border. Best buffet on the trail i was told. it defiantly lived up to the hype.
Tonight, we are staying at the Waynesboro Lutheran church as thunderstorms roll thru outside. Very nice place for the reasonable price of $0.

1 comment:

  1. MATT....It was great hearing from you yesterday. I thought for a moment I was talking with your fact I know I was because you possess his very qualities that made him a great man. He is no doubt looking down up on you with a big smile of pride on his face...for you again are given unselfishly to help another in his name. Please keep in touch, be safe, I hope that I might be able to join you on the trail for one day and share my memories of RED with you....
